Blackberry Way Cabin

A purpose built therapy space in Cranleigh, Surrey

Blackberry Way Dogs

This is Stanley

Stanley is a rescue dog who came to live with me as a puppy in 2013. He is a lovely boy with a big heart who loves coming into therapy sessions. He adores having his tummy rubbed and enjoys being rewarded with a biscuit treat.

He is trained to the Kennel Club Good Citizen Silver Level. He became a registered Pets as Therapy dog in 2017 and visited the local care home for a while. He has been working with me since 2018, first by coming to school with me and being a valued member of the school’s nurture group team and now in my therapy sessions.

Stanley can be part of your therapy session if you would like or he can not come to the cabin, it’s up to you. However, if you are allergic to dogs, I strongly recommend you find an alternative therapist as Stanley will have been in the cabin and I cannot guarantee the room will be free from hair.

Therapy dog in training.

This is Jimmy. Jimmy is also a rescue dog. He is 18 months old and loves meeting all the children and adults who come to visit the house. He is super friendly and shows great potential. He has started his training and when he is ready he will be assessed to be registered and certified as a therapy dog.

He started his training with the wonderful Claire Murdoch at Claire uses positive reinforcement and intimidation free methods of training. Jimmy loves his sessions and is always keen to learn new skills.

He has now enrolled on the PAWS Therapy Dog Certification Programme for Animal Assisted Therapy.